zaterdag 29 november 2014

Paint Table Saturday 3

 Well, not too much painting going on this week but that doesn't mean nothing has been happening on the paint table. Mostly decluttering and getting a bit more organized...

While I did start the week as I had intended and I cleaned, based and put my Heroics and Ross miniatures together and continued on the Kuebelwagens, halfway through it I decided to give my paint table a bit of an overhaul. Putting the paints in their cabinet, removing all the clutter that had accumulated over time, taking a look at what I would be doing in the near future and removing everything else. The work area (only half of my desk and all you have seen so far) looks a lot emptier now.

As does the previously unseen other half. It always was the plan to keep the work area free of miniatures and use this side as a holding area for the "in progress" miniatures, neatly ordered in seperate files for scenery, modern/SF, fantasy and historicals... As it this, I still have more on my table than what the plan says but it is quite the improvement compared to earlier in the week. One of those "road to hell" and "good intentions" situations.

The result of this operation? Another shift in focus, what else did you expect? The last few tiles etc of my dungeon project (read more here and here)* resurfaced and I decided to go ahead and at long last finish them. That way I can claim to have a completed a project for once :-)

When that's done it's back to Barbarossa so I can get in my second H&R order...

Happy painting and gaming everybody!

* Gulp, are those dungeon blog posts that old already???

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